tirsdag 26. april 2011

SMS from 881631672441@msg.iridium.com

Day 11. An absolutely day, and the first of its kind! During the last 6days we have spent almost 3 full days in the tent hiding from strong winds so progress has been slow! But yesterday we got to see the best of what Greenland has to offer. 15C below and hardly any wind, and the sun felt great! The snow was heavily affected by the previous stormy weather and like a frosen chopped up sea which is a challenge to ski across especially with sleds that are still heavy. We struggle to eat everything on our huge diets (5000/6000 kcal) so the weight reduction of the sleds could and should have been greater. At present we are forcing down the breakfast oatmeal which we have never managed to finish.. Current position: N 66deg07.426'

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